Aujourd'hui une carte réalisée à l'occasion du mariage d'une collègue. Comme quelques personnes savent que je scrappe à mon travail, lorsque l'une de mes collègues s'est mariée, les autres m'ont encouragées à faire une carte. Pas facile facile, quand on connait peu la personne et qu'on sait qu'il faudra montrer cette carte à touuuuus les collègues pour que chacun puisse la signer. C'est bete mais ca m'intimide...
Today I would like to share with you a mixed-media card I made for my colleague who got married last week. As only few people now about my scrapbooking hobby (obsession...), so when one of them got married, the others asked me to create the card. Not that easy as I don't know the person that much and when I knew that everyone in the office will get to see it to sign it... It might sound stupid but I find this really intimidating...
Today I would like to share with you a mixed-media card I made for my colleague who got married last week. As only few people now about my scrapbooking hobby (obsession...), so when one of them got married, the others asked me to create the card. Not that easy as I don't know the person that much and when I knew that everyone in the office will get to see it to sign it... It might sound stupid but I find this really intimidating...
Enfin bref, trève de blabla, voici la carte (en A4 pour que chacun puisse y aller de son petit mot).
Je suis très contente car j'ai donné cette carte hier, et ma collègue l'a trouvée très jolie et elle a été touchée que ce soit moi qui l'ai faite. C'est tout ce que je voulais :)
I am really happy because I gave her the card yesterday and she was really touched by the fact that I did it myself, and found that it was nice. That all I wanted :)
Bonne journée à vous, et merci pour vos petits mots toujours si gentils!
I am really happy because I gave her the card yesterday and she was really touched by the fact that I did it myself, and found that it was nice. That all I wanted :)
Bonne journée à vous, et merci pour vos petits mots toujours si gentils!