Ca y est!! Le déménagement est fini. Nous avons déballé presque tous les cartons. Notre maison est vraiment sympa. Bien plus grande que la précédente ce qui me permet d'avoir une vraie scraproom!
J'ai donc fait des emplettes chez notre amis suédois pour l'aménager et voici le résultat:
That's it! The move is finished. We have unpacked almost all the boxes . Our new house is really nice. Much bigger than the previous one which allows me to have a real scraproom!
So I have been shopping at our Swedish friend to get some furnitures and here is the result:
So I have been shopping at our Swedish friend to get some furnitures and here is the result:
J'ai choisi un bureau, des rangements et un fauteuil blanc, que je vais agrémenter bientot de petits éléments de déco plus colorés!! Je vous remontrerai à quoi cela ressemble quand ce sera fini.
I chose a desk, closet and a chair all white, and I will soon decorate with some small colorful pieces! I will show you how it looks when it's ready.
Alors même si tout n'est pas déballé, je n'ai pas résisté à l'envie de scrapper. Un mois sans c'était vraiment trop long. Pour me remettre dans le coup j'ai demandé aux filles d'un groupe FB de me suggérer quelques contraintes. Et voilà ce que Eva à proposé:
Dur dur pour moi de me passer de taches et d'encres mais je me suis lancée et voici le résultat:
Even if everything is not unpacked yet, I couldn't wait any longer to scrap. A month away from papers, it was really too long. To get back in the game I asked the girls from a FB group to suggest me some constraints. And that's what Eva proposed:
paint, inks and stamps prohibited, a homemade embellishment, and a landscape or object picture.
Tough for me not to use ink and stains but I did it and here's the result: Nina Ostermann
The homemade embellishment is this pretty cockade made from loght pink Masking Tape when I added a brad to the center. To fill my lack of ink spots, I put little stars made with a perforated.
And for the photo of Ladurée macaroons purchased during my last visit to Paris (and hidden for a long time unfortunately). I do not know if we can call them objects because they have a very ephemeral life but I liked their colors that would marry well with these papers Crate Paper.
I copied a page from Nina Ostermann found on Pinterest.
And for the photo of Ladurée macaroons purchased during my last visit to Paris (and hidden for a long time unfortunately). I do not know if we can call them objects because they have a very ephemeral life but I liked their colors that would marry well with these papers Crate Paper.
I copied a page from Nina Ostermann found on Pinterest.
That's it.
It feels so good to be back on the scrapbookplanet!
And guess what? Evelyne, a scrapfriend from Brussels, and i have subscribed for the Studio Caliso kits. I soooo look forward to having fun with all these wonders ....
See you soon!
It feels so good to be back on the scrapbookplanet!
And guess what? Evelyne, a scrapfriend from Brussels, and i have subscribed for the Studio Caliso kits. I soooo look forward to having fun with all these wonders ....
See you soon!